Thursday, March 26, 2009

A dreaded sunny day so I meet you at the cemetery gates.

I heard a commercial advertising a Wound Care center on the radio this morning.  It's strange how under most circumstances the body can heal itself.  Broken bones and torn flesh can mend.  Once healed - the wound is gone - the pain is gone.  Why don't our minds work this way?  Instead the mind actually picks our scabs, pours salt on open wounds.   Sigh.  

Missing my mom, missing Benjamin.

I need to get out of this funk.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I love clams.  I think the best clams I've ever had were Phil's steamed clams with garlic bread.  I rarely cook seafood at home because it's expensive and I'm afraid of messing it up or permeating the house with a horrible smell. 

That being said, we went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and bought some clams.  I figured at 30 cents a piece why not.  They were fresh, didn't smell at all - so I decided to take the leap.
Today I attempted to recreate Phil's clams: butter, white wine, chopped tomatoes, green onions, lots of chopped garlic - the only thing I was missing was fresh thyme.  The clams were friggin amazing.  I can cook clams!!!!!!!  

Who knew?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One of our neighbors died yesterday.   Apparently he was sick, but in the end, he fell in the bathroom and hit his head on the tub.  His roommate came in and found him in the bathroom, his dog Watson by his side. Shocking.  Unreal. Unnecessary.  

I don't care how many times a person confronts death - there is no comprehending why one day someone is walking around and laughing and the next day they're gone.  You will never hear their voice again.  You will never see them walking by.  All you can do is recognize the void.  

CJs car and truck are still parked where he left them.  His friends and family are in the process of dealing with their loss and all the aftermath that death throws on the table.  I would say I cannot imagine what they are going through, but unfortunately I know all too well.

We would see CJ and Watson out walking together almost everyday.   
He had a nice laugh.  
I'll miss him.

Rest in peace CJ.

Monday, March 2, 2009

things to see

Grand Canyon
Yellowstone in the winter
Grand Tetons 
Glacier Park
Volunteer with the elephants in Sri Lanka, Thailand, or Africa
Giraffe Manor
New Zealand