Saturday, August 22, 2009

bad boys bad boys watcha gonna do?

So I'm on the computer, half watching a 48 hours Mystery when I hear sirens, lots and lots of sirens - getting louder and louder. I then notice all the flashing blue lights strobing through the room. I peep out the window and see what must be over 10 police cars and SUVs, a German Sheppard and a Policeman. One of them starts yelling at presumably whomever they have chased down. STEP BACK, STEP BACK...ETC. Not knowing what would happen during the stand off I crouch down so that I am not near the window or anything that might come through it. Added to the medley - a helicopter. Holy Jeebus. Thanks to my peeps for chatting during the ordeal to keep me relatively calm.

Now things have cleared out. I called campus police and they sent an officer out to check the perimeter. He assured me that I was safe and that they patrol regularly. Again I'm not in a bad area per se but near one...SIGH. Gonna have to take some benadryl tonight to get to sleep.

I think the cats and I are packing up and moving out tomorrow morning.

has it only been 4 days cause it feels like a life time

I miss my boy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

bring it on down for homelessville

While getting my morning coffee I heard loud knocking on the front door. I peep out the window and see some guy standing there - knocking - incessantly. Knocking so loud in fact that he could not hear me yell: "Can I help you?"

He finally walked off and I got ready for the day. As I left I saw a police car out front and a man in a UNCW t-shirt speaking with the officer. Apparently they are looking for the guy who knocked on my door. As the police left, the UNCW guy came over to speak to me about safety. I am warned not to walk less than a block to the jiffy mart after dark. I am told that the neighborhood is safe but not safe. Apparently the knocker is a homeless person who has been stealing things and is "a little crazy." Great.

At least I feel safe on campus...